With all the timber work done inside we now have to work out a painting plan, we don’t want to be held back with wet paint, so first job clean out inboard the place in some temporary boards and start the first under coat grey. A good tip is to have a bit putty to hand and any bits needing filling can be done as you go along, take the undercoat below the floor level, the final cut in will be done with the black varnish.
Black varnish or bitumen paint is the best for the job below floors as it seals up any holes or splits but mostly because it prevents any rot. This is usually left till the gloss has been done on inside you can paint bitumen over gloss but you can not paint gloss over bitumen.
How we move to the outside, a good rub down with the sandpaper then a full undercoat down to 5 inches below water line.
Back inside second undercoat this time the whole boat with the grey back outside mark off the water line and the transom ring, some boats just have a straight water line hut the tradition is to have the ring in a white band this matches the water line aft then rises in the middle.
Back outside this time the gloss blue this is the part of the job I love the transition the gloss makes is very rewarding, next undercoat the white flash forward and the transom ring.
The next dramatic change is the sign writer a Mr. Paul Robson from Whitley Bay, a true master at his craft. He puts on the name, the boat numbers and the owners name in bold letters with shadow effect.
Back inside a few jobs to do some repairs are needed on the inspection box aft. This is a hole through the boat aft to gain access to the propeller if a rope is fouled at sea, this is made so the height of the box is above the water line. If you have to do this at sea you must take care in case of any swell as when the boat dips aft it will allow water in, it has a plug made to fit and a rubber gasket to seal down. This plug is made a good fit with base level with outside planking. If this is not right it will act as a sound box, sounding really bad with power on. It can also cause cavitation, reducing the power of propeller.
Forward, being a sailing coble it has a mast box on the forward thwart some minor repairs done.
Next paint bitumen under the engine bay and fit the new bed plates. And refit the engine.
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